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QCCF - Canal Sponsored Walk

Save the Date!

The Queens Cross Community Foundation will once again be holding its Canal Sponsored Walk on Sunday 22nd May 2022.

The sponsored walk is an excellent way for local groups to raise money for themselves, whilst also having a fun day out on the canal towpath, starting at Applecross Basin. The format is that groups keep 80% of what they raise for their own funds and the remaining 20% goes to the Community Foundation to help them support groups and individuals throughout the year.

The walk is designed to be an inclusive, fun afternoon out and is short in distance. At just over 1 mile long, it has always appealed to groups who have young and elderly participants alike. Often participants will be walking to the start and then walking home afterwards, so it usually ends up being a decent walk for most! Participants must be part of a community group and all children must be supervised. Live music has been a feature at the finish line in previous years and we hope to have a band playing this year to welcome you across the line.

If you are involved with a community group or organisation and are interested in taking part, please email

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The Queens Cross Community Foundation (SCIO) is a Scottish charity registered with OSCR, registration number SCO35538.

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